Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I am a fan of the Long Island medium and I always wonder who would step forward for me. Just this weekend I sat under the custard apple tree playing with my son. The tree gives a very strong connection to my father. He had always lavished me with my favorite fruit and I can't help but feel his presence every time I'm by that tree. I don't hate my father quite like my mother. Although, I must admit that his letters towards the end, certainly did not rekindle any fuzzy feelings. My dad was an irony. He was almost simple minded. He did not need much to please him. He was happy wearing the most raggedy clothes and he really didn't care what others thought about him. His one passion was catching river prawns. He could spend all day doing just that. Even as he aged, he would drop a net by his secret location on his way to town and pick up his catch for the day as he headed home in his old scooter. One time, he was gone so long, we thought something might have happened to him. Instead, he came home during dusk with almost 10kg of prawns. We ate so much prawns for the next few months that I was sick of it for years. That was my father. I guess looking back, he does have a special place in my heart. But I'm not sure if he'll step forward if there's a medium in town. What would he say to me? Would the words finally come directly from his heart? One can only wonder.

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